Summer Beauties

Virginia ctenucha on a clematis blossom (Michigan)

According to Wikipedia, the Virginia ctenucha (Ctenucha virginica), pronounced ten-ooch-ah, is a moth that ranges from North Carolina to Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains. It inhabits wet meadows and open spaces with bushes. Virginia ctenucha caterpillars have multiple tufts of white and yellow hair and feed [click headline to read more…]

Siamese Saturday

Sometimes “Painting Sundays” are on Saturdays. As for the subject matter, we never know what the kids are going to choose. We used to have goldfish but never bettas, and we haven’t been around any lately, so we have no idea why they decided to paint these. I guess that’s not the point. They picked [click headline to read more…]

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

A few years ago we started making Leprechaun traps as a St. Patrick’s Day tradition. Matt and the kids create them a week or so before the big day, running a few trials ahead of time in case some Leprechauns are casing our house early.

On the night of March 16, they bait the [click headline to read more…]

Screen Time: It’s Not That Innocent

Here are some of the reasons why we advocate for reducing screen time for children. These articles represent just a small sample of what’s available on this topic.

Negative Health Results from Viewing Some Television Shows

Excerpted from AAP policy statement on Children, Adolescents, and Television

Although there are potential benefits from viewing [click headline to read more…]

The Motivator

This “invention” is dedicated to homeschooling parents everywhere!

Illustration by Matthew Bohan, circa 2010

© Matthew E. Bohan and Liesl K. Bohan |