Boredom Busters: Sharks!

It’s handy to have paper and pencils or crayons readily available. These drawings began while I was on the phone and the children were bored. In the end they had so much fun with them that they carried the shark theme into their next Painting Sunday.

Kelly’s Shark in Colored Pencils (~3/10, 8 years)

[click headline to read more…]

Collage Sunday II

Well, I wasn’t entirely correct. In my Anti-Painting Sundays post, I predicted that Kelly and Timmy would go green for their next collages, using the vertical strips to illustrate grass instead of water. While I was right about the green, they opted for forests instead, and I love the results!

If you want to help [click headline to read more…]

Anti-Painting Sundays

What do you do on a “Painting Sunday” when you run out of watercolor paper?

Well, something else, of course. And it had better be fun!

One of the challenges of establishing a regular routine for homeschooling projects—or any arts and crafts projects with children—is making sure you have all of the necessary supplies on [click headline to read more…]

Painting Sundays IV

Matt and the kids have been cranking out paintings faster than I can keep up with them. To see step-by-step views of Matt’s recent watercolors in progress, check out the Bohan Art blog he started recently. To see our children’s paintings, just keep coming back here, and I’ll get them all up eventually. (Ah, summer! [click headline to read more…]

Card Idea for Father's Day

Similar to the Mother’s Day Craft posted last month, this requires paper, glue, scissors and some adult assistance.

Using paper of different colors, have children draw and then cut out shapes representing objects that remind them of their father. The objects can represent any of Dad’s favorites, including hobbies, sports, clothes, music or weekend activities.

[click headline to read more…]